7 Easy to Apply Make-up Items You Can Use Your Fingertips for ...

By Eliza4 Comments

Easy to apply make-up is a must for me. With three kids, I have to blast through my morning routine very quickly so I can get them ready for the day too. I haven’t given up on make-up yet though because I just feel like I look better with it on. I have, however, come up with a load of tips and tricks to go from drab to fab in no time. I’ll share some easy to apply make-up that you can just slap on with your fingers and go.

1 Eye Shadow

Eye ShadowI once dropped my only eye shadow applicator down the sink before I was done using it. Horrible, right? Well, that day I learned that easy to apply make-up doesn’t have to include tools. I just dabbed some of the eye shadow on my finger and swiped it across my lids. It almost went on faster and more evenly that way than it ever did with the applicator.

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2 Foundation

There have been times when I was out of foundation sponges and had to use my fingers. It turns out that it’s no big deal because I can easily blend it in all over my face using just my middle finger. Dab a bit on the end of your finger and start applying it much like you would face cream. You’ll have to go back to the jar once or twice for more, but it really looks good.

3 Concealer

I like to put concealer on with my fingertip too. I actually use foundation as concealer, but either way it works with your fingers. This is because it’s so much easier to get it exactly where you want it when you aren’t trying to maneuver a brush or sponge over one small area. As you tap it into your blemishes, you can mask them easily without having to have special tools.

4 Blush

Yep, you totally can! Just like with eye shadow, it’s super simple to put on blush with your fingers. I use my first two fingers and swipe them through my color, then use the same two fingers to gently apply it to the apples of my cheeks. This works for powder blush and cream blush. Oh, and bronzer too!

5 Lipstick

The professionals might use little spatulas or brushes to put on lipstick, but I prefer my finger. Simply rub your index finger over the lipstick and wipe it on your lips. You have a bit more control of where the color ends up and you can do it without having to look in the mirror. Your fingers work great for applying lip gloss and chap stick too.

6 Eyeliner

I like to use a bit of eye shadow for liner because I can get that perfect amount of smudge and coverage at the same time. To do that, my pinky finger works best. I rub it through the color a bit, then wipe it across the edges of my eyelids. Presto! Even eyeliner that looks great in just minutes.

7 Shimmer Powder

I’m not into the heavily powdered faces of the 1990s. However, I’m all for a bit of strategically placed face shimmer. It gives me a healthy glow and it’s just plain fun. Use your fingers to put it on and you’ll have enough control to keep it light and not all over the place.

How do you put on make-up? Will you try your fingers after reading this? Let me know how it goes.

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