Lipstick Hacks That Girls Who Love Makeup Can Never Live without ...

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Lipstick Hacks That Girls Who Love Makeup Can Never Live without ...

Lipstick can turn any set of plain lips into pretty ones. Even if you don't apply any eye makeup or foundation, painting your lips can alter the entire look of your face. It's just that powerful. If you love coloring your lips, here are a few lipstick hacks that you can use the next time you apply a fresh coat of makeup:

1 Stick Your Finger in Your Mouth to Avoid Smudging

hair, eyebrow, face, black hair, nose,You've probably heard of this lipstick hack, because it's the oldest one in the book. All you have to do is stick your index finger into your mouth after you apply your lipstick. When you pull it out, you should see lipstick on your skin that otherwise would've ended up on your teeth. It saves you from smudging.

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2 Use Unflattering Lipstick as Blush Instead

If you bought a lipstick shade that you're not happy with, you shouldn't toss it in the trash. You can just try using it on your cheeks instead of on your lips. Some shades of red and pink make horrible lipstick colors, but they make excellent blushes. So before you throw out any products, see if you can come up with an alternative use for it.

3 Use a Brush to Apply Your Lipstick

Do you have trouble keeping your lipstick on your lips, and only your lips? If you always end up staining your skin with the products, then you can take a tiny makeup brush and use it to apply your lipstick. That way, you can get it on more precisely and avoid any embarrassing mistakes.

4 Blot between Your First and Second Coats

If you want your lipstick to stay on, apply it, blot it with a napkin, and then apply a second coat. That way, there will be less of a chance that your lipstick rubs off onto your skin or your teeth.

5 Cut Apart Your Lipsticks and Place in Pill Boxes

If you're planning on going on vacation or just want to carry around a bunch of lipsticks, but don't have room in your purse, you can cut off the ends and place each color in a separate section of a pill box. That way, you'll have all of your colors in one convenient place, and won't be cluttering up your pocketbook.

6 Melt Broken Lipsticks with a Lighter to Reattach

If the top of your lipstick snaps off, all you need is a lighter. If you warm up the bottom of the piece that had snapped off, you can easily reattach it to the rest of the product. It's as simple as that. Just be careful not to burn your fingers!

7 Store Products in Fridge to Keep Them from Melting

If you're worried about your lipstick melting from the heat, you can store it in the fridge. It's also a great idea to keep your nail polish in there as well, so that it doesn't end up clumping up and becoming impossible to use. Just make sure that you keep the items in a separate compartment, so that it doesn't end up tainting your food in any way.

8 Use Powder to Prevent Smudging

Don't you hate it when your lipstick migrates off your lips and feathers out around your mouth? When you get done applying your favorite shade, lightly dab a bit of powder around the edges of your lips and the problem is solved.

9 Use an Old Mascara Wand to Exfoliate

Smooth lips hold onto your lipstick better and to get them, you're going to have to exfoliate. Experts suggest cleaning an old mascara wand and lightly brushing it over your kisser to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh lips beneath.

10 Add Lip Primer to Your Routine

Lip primer will help the color of your lipstick remain longer so you should never get stuck without it. All you have to do is dab it on beneath your lipstick and you're good to go.

11 Get Soft Lips for Better Staying Power

Nothing is worse than finding out your lipstick has all but disappeared. You can help it stay longer by hydrating your lips and keeping them soft and smooth. Vaseline is the perfect product for doing that.

12 Remove Lipstick with Vaseline

It might sound crazy, but you can also remove lipstick with Vaseline. When you use it to soften your lips, allow it to soak in before applying your color. When you're ready to get rid of it for the day, slick on some Vaseline, then wipe it off and your color will go with it.

13 Nude out Your Lipstick with Concealer

If you try a new shade of lipstick and it turns out to be way too pink or red, apply some concealer on top to give the shade more of a nude appearance. Easy, right?

14 Go a Shade Darker than Your Skin Tone

If you prefer a nude color of lipstick, be sure you are choosing the right shade. Makeup experts suggest buying a nude lipstick that is one shade darker than your skin tone. That way it accentuates your lips instead of blending in with your complexion.

15 Make Sure You Use Lip Liner

One thing you should never skip is your lip liner. Once applied, use your finger to gently smudge it just a bit so it's not so obvious. Lip liner should give your lips a defined look, but shouldn't totally stand out.

16 Light in the Middle, Dark on the Edges

Want lips that are bigger and plumper? Apply a darker color around the edges and a lighter one in the middle. This gives the illusion of having a fuller kisser.

17 Choose the Right Red

Any girl can wear red, but you need to be sure you get the right color. Girls with fair skin should use a blue-based red, girls with olive skin should choose a more orange-red color and dark skinned girls can get away with a burgundy shade.

18 Store Your Lipstick in the Fridge

When the temps outside soar, your lipstick is at risk of melting. Keep it in the fridge and you won't have to worry about it ever again.

19 Use Hairspray to Get Rid of Lipstick Stains

Did you end up with lipstick on your clothes? Not to worry. Simply spritz a bit of hairspray on the stain, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then dab. Wash as usual.

You can never have too many lipsticks. Even if you've never been a fan of painting your lips, you'll learn to love it now that you know how to wear it properly. What's your favorite brand of lipstick?

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