You don't need to get plastic surgery in order to feel beautiful. If you're unhappy with your natural lips, there are little things you can do to make them appear fuller. So instead of getting lip injections, you should follow these makeup tips:
Peppermint can work wonders on your lips. You can either buy peppermint oil to rub over them, or you can buy lip products that contain spearmint or peppermint in them. Either way, it'll make your lips look fuller.
Your face isn't the only thing you should be exfoliating every morning. Don't forget to exfoliate your lips when you're standing in front of that mirror.
Your cupid's bow is the area in the middle of your top lip. If you place some highlighter on it, you can create the illusion of a fuller mouth.
Find lipgloss that contains beeswax in it. It will make your lips look fuller while stopping them from looking chapped.
You can create an illusion with your makeup. Use a pink toned lipstick on your lips, but line it with a color that's slightly darker.
Your arms and abs aren't the only parts of you that need exercise. There are a few facial exercises for your lips you should try. Find them at
Your arms and abs aren't the only parts of you that need exercise. There are a few facial exercises for your lips you should try. One of the best puckering exercises involves pursing your lips like you're about to whistle and holding that position for several seconds before relaxing. Repeat this several times throughout the day to help tone and firm the muscles around your mouth. Discover more exercises at
Back massages aren't the only relaxing type of massage. You can actually massage your lips with your lip balm.
Essential oils are lifesavers. That's why you should buy some cinnamon oil and use it on your lips.
When you brush your teeth, don't forget to brush your lips. It'll increase the blood flow, which will make your lips look bigger.
Water hydrates your body, which will make your skin look brighter and your lips look fuller. It's good for you in every way!
Before you hop in the shower, you should rub honey on your lips. Let the steam go over your face, and then wash off your lips before you end your shower.
Buy some coconut oil and rub it on your lips before bathing and after bathing. It'll create the look you've been hoping for.
You know how black clothing can make your body look slimmer? Well, dark colored lipstick can make your lips look slimmer.
Before you apply your lipstick, you should fill in your lips with nude liner. That way, the lipstick color will pop more.
Shimmery glosses do the opposite of dark colored glosses. They'll make your lips look larger.
Cayenne pepper can plump your lips. That's why you should mix a small amount of it with your lip gloss.
You don't have to use any homemade remedies, because you can simply buy lip plumping lip gloss. It's available in any store, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding it.
Now you won't have to head to the doctor for lip injections! What other makeup tips do you have for creating fuller lips?