7 Steps to a Flawless Five Minute Face ...

By Alicia13 Comments

Ladies, you must have a five minute face plan for those days when five minutes truly is all that you have. Busy women with jobs, husbands, children or a combination of the three understand this well. There are days you just don’t have time to stand and perfect your makeup but you still want to look good. This is where the flawless five minute face comes in.

1 Start Smooth with a BB Cream

Start Smooth with a BB CreamThe secret to the five minute face is that it is very smooth. After all, a flawless complexion really is what makes the five minute face so flawless. BB Cream is a product that gives more than one benefit. Not only does it act as a base but it helps your skin to be improving at the same time. With the many benefits they offer, why not use a BB Cream in place of your moisturizer and base?

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2 Apply to the Apples

Blush is a must for me. I am a pale skinned blonde so I am practically void of color. But if I am doing a five minute face then I don’t have time for perfect blush. So what I do is dip my brush into my blush and swirl it only onto the apples of my cheeks. It gives me the perfect pinch of color and is able to be applied quickly.

3 Set It and Forget It

If you want your makeup to stay put, you need to set it with powder. This is as simple as a swirl through loose powder, tapping off the excess and quickly brushing over your face. Using powder will make your makeup have staying power. It will also keep the shine away and give you a beautiful matte finish. If you prefer to use a pressed powder, it will do the job just as well.

4 A Smudge of Eyeliner

I love liquid eyeliner and wear it often. But when I am in a hurry, I don’t have time for liquid. So when going for the flawless five minute face I use a twistable eyeliner that can be applied quickly. When you use a twistable eyeliner you don’t have to take time to ever sharpen it. Simply roll up and apply. This is also a very forgiving eyeliner if you do happen to make any mistakes.

5 2 Coats of Mascara

While I am normally a four coats of mascara kind of girl, when I am on a time crunch, I can’t do that. So I choose to do two coats of mascara on those days. To get the most from those two coats I apply the first coat to the top of my lashes and the second coat to the underside of the top lashes. Going slowly and wiggling the wand back and forth will actually save you time in the long run because it leaves more mascara behind. Two coats is adequate.

6 Line Your Lips

You may get to skip this step but I don’t get to. I do not have the blessing of having full, beautifully shaped lips. So I do what most women that have this problem do. I fake it. If you don’t have full, pretty lips, then you should probably take a few extra seconds to line your lips.

7 Lipstick is the Finishing Touch

Lipstick is the finishing touch. Every woman needs to wear lipstick. I know that I don’t feel fully dressed without it. A nude lipstick is a great choice when you are going for a flawless five minute face. It is also a color choice that you don’t have to apply with such a careful hand.

A flawless five minute face is something all women need to have in their toolbox of makeup tricks for those busy mornings when they don’t have time to apply their makeup the way they regularly do. How do you accomplish your five minute face? What is the most important step to you?

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