7 Steps to Finding the Perfect Product for Your Lips ...

By Alicia5 Comments

Products for your lips can be so confusing. There are so many different types and they claim to do so many different things! How is a girl to choose? Let me help you decide on the best products for your lips.

1 Consider What You Want from It

One thing you need to consider when you are thinking about products for your lips is what do you want from it? Do you want color? Do you want it to moisturize your lips? Make them look plumper? All of these are questions that need consideration.

Frequently asked questions

2 Decide if You Are a Lipstick, Lip Gloss or Lip Balm Girl

Deciding if you are a lipstick, lip gloss or lip balm girl is actually a very big decision. It divides your options into three very separate categories. If you are unsure, you will have to play around with all three. I am a lipstick girl. I like the color and smoothness. Lip gloss has more of a wet look and feel, and lip balm is usually more for moisture than for looks.

3 Ask for Samples

Don’t be afraid to ask for samples. Samples are the key to trying out new products without wasting tons of money. A lot of times a product will look lovely until you try it on. It may not look the same way you pictured it once you get it on. It is also a way to try several different products at one time.

4 Find a Brand You Love

You are a step closer to finding your perfect lip product when you find a brand that you love. This takes some time and trial and error. I have found that I love Mary Kay and Revlon as far as lipsticks go. I am mostly a lipstick girl but I do wear lip balm sometimes. Nivea is a great choice for lip balm. Mary Kay also has great lip gloss, according to my lip gloss wearing girlfriends.

5 Ask about Their Return Policy

Most people think that you cannot return makeup but many times you can. Ask about the store’s return policy before you purchase the product. I do know that Mary Kay will allow you to exchange anything because I have sold Mary Kay for a long time. It is always better to do business with a store that will help you out with this. It prevents you from buying in fear.

6 Read up on It

You know, I rarely purchase any kind of cosmetic product without reading about it before hand. I read what the company itself promises and compare it to reviews. I try to stay away from anything less than four stars. This can save you a lot of time and trouble. There are many great sites to help you out here. You can simply Google reviews for the product you are considering and get a lot of good hits.

7 Try, Try Again

A lot of finding the perfect lip product is about trial and error. The more you try, the more you know what you do and don’t like. You know you are probably there when you find yourself buying the same lip product over and over again. I only do this rarely. If a lip product makes the cut and ends up in my makeup drawer again, it’s a winner. My latest lip product to get a double purchase is Revlon’s lip butter in Peach Parfait.

I hope that these tips have offered you some guidance to help you find your perfect lip product. Now, you know I have to ask. What is your personal favorite lip product?

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