Street Beauty Essential Tips for Pulling off Dark Lipstick ...

By Vanessa9 Comments

Dark lips are the perfect plus-one to any outfit. There are many dos and don'ts but like anything else, there are ways to make it work. Don't be afraid to make a statement this fall season with these essential tips!

1 Use Inspiration from Celebs

Use Inspiration from CelebsMy go-to for lip inspiration is Lily Collins. I think she always looks fierce wearing a rich burgundy color!

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2 Keep the Rest of Your Face Bare

It's important to keep your eyes and cheeks understated when you're wearing a dark color. Let your lips speak for themselves, you don't need anything more!

3 Find Your Best Shade

The only way you'll find the shade that works for you is through trial and error. Keep in mind that your best friend's favorite shade might not be the one that looks best on you! Try out different colors and don't be afraid to go for a bold one! I love the colors from Sephora.

4 Apply with Lip Brush

The best way to put on a dark lip is with a lip brush because it can get messy quickly. Using the lip brush will help you be more precise! Start swiping from the outer corner of your mouth to the center on both the upper and lower lips and then fill out the rest of the pout.

5 Apply Liner Last

After you've applied your lipstick, run your liner (in a matching shade) along the perimeter of your lips to give them a fuller look. Using the lip liner before applying the lipstick can be a bit overwhelming and takes the focus away from the actual lip color!

6 Skip the Glossy Finish

Dark shades don't need any help in the attention-getting department. Skip the gloss (which makes the color bleed) and go for a matte finish.

7 Wear It with Confidence

The most important thing about rocking dark lipstick? Wearing it with confidence. Dark shades are a statement - everyone will be looking at you, so you better own it!

How do you feel about dark lip colors?

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