Would You Wear Fake Freckles on Your Face?

By Jennifer8 Comments

If you love freckles but weren't born with them, maybe you should try the faux-freckles trend. If you're afraid it might look fake, no worries! You can make them look like real angel kisses, and with just the right placement, no one will suspect you were born with them. Here are a few photos for a little inspiration.

1 Nikki's Freckles

Frequently asked questions

2 Amanda's LFW Look

3 Her Sweet Face

4 Kaitlyn's Freckles

5 Bambi's Fashion Freckles

6 Morgan's Freckles

7 Molly's Tawny Eyes & Faux Freckles

8 Her Purple Liner & Fake Freckles

9 Her Dewy Eyes & Fake Freckles

10 Her Pretty Fake Freckles

They look so real!

11 Her Berry Lips & Fake Freckles

12 Her Dozens of Spots

13 Her Pretty Fake Freckles

14 Tamara's Flawless Face

15 Janett's Smoky Eyes & Fake Freckles

16 Her Fresh Face & Faux Freckles

17 Paloma's Dark Eyes & Fake Freckles

18 Kasandra Loves Her Faux Freckles!

19 Her Glitter Freckles

20 Her Few Fake Freckles

21 Sunniva's Fake Freckles

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