7 Questions about Foundations ...


7 Questions about Foundations ...
7 Questions about Foundations ...

Foundation is pretty tricky. It's hard to find something that works, it's hard to make it look good, and it's hard to make it last. When it comes to makeup, I always have the most questions about foundation itself, and I figured a lot of other women must feel the same way. So, I found 7 common questions about foundations and some answers that I hope will be helpful!

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1. Foundations for Dry Skin

I have really dry skin in the winter, so I'm always wary about wearing liquid based foundations. However, if you find a foundation that uses moisturizer or has the word “moisture” anywhere on the bottle or in the title, you should be good to go. Furthermore, you may want to avoid any of those foundations that say they contain minerals, because they can make your skin dry out even more.

2. Getting a Flawless Foundation

Another common problem with foundation is making it look perfect. You don't want a lot of streaks and shadows and makeup lines, after all. One thing you can do is find a facial primer, so that you can make your skin even, creating a perfect surface canvas for your foundation. You also need to make sure that your fingers, sponge, or brush are clean. However, it's a good idea to use your fingers, because they're warm, which can make blending easier.

Frequently asked questions

3. Keeping Foundation around

It's hard to tell how long you should keep your foundation, because it's not really like mascara. It doesn't start to clump up really badly when it's ready to be tossed out and replaced. Powder can last a really long time, but liquid foundations can actually stay good for around a year. You should give it a sniff every once in a while though. If it starts to smell funny, it definitely needs replaced.

4. Foundations for Oily Skin

If you have an oily complexion, then you may have experienced the awfulness of having your foundation get all runny. In this case, its better to go for a foundation with matte qualities, because it will soak up any extra oil in your skin. That Dream Matte Mousse is one such product; it should make oily skin look oilier.

5. Questions of Cover up

Cover up sticks count as foundation, at least in my book. They cover up under eye circles and other blemishes. Here's a trick, though, if you've found that yours doesn't really cover up anything. Use your base foundation first, and then dot your cover up on your face, after which comes your powder. I started doing that, and my cover up stick works better than it ever has.

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6. Mousse, Powder, or Liquid

When it comes to choosing a foundation, it really depends on the quality of your skin. If you have oily skin, for instance, then liquid foundation isn't going to be a great idea. Mousse may not be great for dry skin, because the flakes of skin can show up through the foundation. However, if you abhor heavy makeup, then you can just stick to powder, which brings me to--

7. All or Nothing

Do you have to wear everything, from cover up to mousse or liquid foundation to powder? Absolutely not! I don't want to do anything to my skin right now but moisturize it. I mean, no liquid or mousse foundations; I'm giving them up for the season. I've found that putting on a layer of powder, then doing my cover up routine, then putting on one more layer of powder offers the perfect balance. All my blemishes are taken care of, I have a good base for the rest of my makeup, everything is blended well, and it's not too heavy!

Makeup is intensely personal. Different things will work well (or badly) for every individual. It really all comes down to what makes you feel good about yourself – even if that means wearing no makeup at all. What makes you feel your most beautiful?

Top Photo Credit: C Pitblado

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