Did You Know Your Makeup Could Be Harming Your Skin Instead of Helping It?


Makeup makes us gorgeous (or even more gorgeous!), but did you know that it could be harming your skin? We all know that you should never leave your makeup on overnight, but that's not the only problem it can cause. If you're using makeup that's too old or that has become contaminated with bacteria, you'll be risking infections and other skin problems. Here's what you should watch out for …

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1. Allergies

Have you been experiencing a reaction, but you don't know what's causing it? Your makeup could be at fault if you're allergic to anything in it. Avoid using makeup that has formaldehyde in it, which can cause an allergic reaction. If you suspect that you may have an allergy to something in your makeup, ask for allergy tests, or try to work out which ingredient it could be.

2. Clogged Pores

Your makeup won't necessarily block up your pores on its own, but if you already have problems such as a tendency to acne, makeup could make it worse. The best way to deal with this is to wear non-comedogenic makeup, which won't block your pores.

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3. Lipstick

Lipstick is one makeup item that's guaranteed to make us feel better and brighter. But it can dry out your lips, and the mineral oil in lipsticks can also block the pores. Look for mineral-free makeup, and be sure to moisturise your lips before applying lipstick. Using a lip balm will also help keep your lips moisturised.

4. Eczema & Dermatitis

Do you suffer from patches of eczema or dermatitis on your face? It could actually be caused by your makeup. Your skin is very sensitive around your eyes, so you could be having an allergic reaction to one of the eye products you're using. Another potential culprit is your nail polish. Think of how often you touch your face; if you touch your eyes with painted nails you could irritate your eyes.

5. Expiry Dates

You might think only food needs to have expiry dates, and that it's ridiculous for beauty products to have them. Perhaps not - the preservatives in products may be less effective after a while, which will be factored into the date. The ingredients may also break down over time; for example, the ingredients in creams can separate. If the product smells odd, bin it.

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6. Using Tools - or Not Using Them

You may congratulate yourself on being good and using makeup brushes to apply your makeup. But are you using clean brushes? If you don't wash them regularly, you could be transferring bacteria to your face and eyes. As for using your fingers to apply products, wash your hands first and don't dip your fingers into pots, so that you avoid contaminating the contents.

7. Techniques

Finally, it may not be your makeup that's causing a problem, but rather how you're applying it. Be careful not to drag at your skin, as this can cause fine lines over time - and you don't want that! Be especially careful when applying makeup or creams to the eye area, as the skin there is so delicate.

Remember also that even if you've always used a product without problems, the formulation can change - so you can then develop a reaction to it. Do you give your skin a break from makeup, or do you refuse to leave the house without a full application?

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

4 then use a a face scrub from marry Kay or and scrub u know rough it helps to remove deep down in ur skin the wash ur face dry it face mask

I have eczema and haven't have a break out since switching to vegan + cruelty free make up...it's all in the product

After that if u like wipe ur face with The cider apple cider vinegar with Cotton then sleep. 👌 it works u do this when ur wearing heavy make up

Yes it do cause harm to ur skin especially if you don't take care of ur skin

Great article. Food for thought!!!

What are thoughts on bare minerals? I have tiny bumps on my jawline, hardly noticeable but I'd love to get my skin completely smooth. Also what's a good makeup brush cleanser ??

After that make sure wash ur face 2 times with on 1 2 3 steps clean and clear and then dry ur face good

3 don't use mac makeup too often because it too heavy wear it only when u going out and make sure use makeup remover wipes on ur face even if u use the remover wipes mac makeup and still on ur skin

2. Do facial two to three times a week

Most make up can be possible mutagens and can lead to cancer! Makeup, nail polish, even soap! The list goes on and on! Make sure you check the ingredients your body is absorbing girls!

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