7 Fab Ways to Use Makeup Pigments ...

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7 Fab Ways to Use Makeup Pigments ...

Learning how to use makeup pigments in all new and different ways is what it's all about, girls! I love all of the brand new MAC makeup pigments that are out, but I was always curious how I could use these pigments in other ways, besides on my eyes. If you're wondering how to use makeup pigments in a different and unique way, take a look below! My top 7 ways to use makeup pigments will blow you away!

1 Nail Colors

I've always wanted to create my very own nail colors. The nail colors on the shelves sometimes just don't do it for me. This is one of the most creative tips on how to use makeup pigments in a different way techniques, girls! Just add a bit of the makeup pigments to a clear nail polish and you've got a brand new nail color! How cool, right? I love mixing up a great purple or pink nail color!

Frequently asked questions

2 Lipstick

If you're constantly having problems trying to find a lipstick color that works for you, why not take a little Vaseline and mix it up with some makeup pigments. This will create a lip gloss that is not only colorful, but you can make it deeper or you can make it just a little tinted. Great way to keep your lips hydrated and colorful! This is one of my favorite ways to use makeup pigments!

3 Blush

Makeup pigments are also a great way to bring out your cheekbones! Just a little brush of them as blush can really draw attention to your cheekbones and really give you that summery glow, no matter what time of year it is. Trust me on this, just one swipe can work wonders!

4 Eye Shadow

Of course, makeup pigments always make a great eye shadow, but did you know that straight makeup pigments actually add more color and last longer? The more pigment that you have in your eye shadow, the better off your eye makeup will be and the better it looks! Trust me on this one, girls!

5 Mix Pigment into Foundation

If you mix a bit of your makeup pigments into your foundation, it can give you a general glow and can actually serve as a bit of a bronzer! Just a bit of brown pigments into your foundation can really bring out the summer glow in you. If you add in some pink pigments, it can serve as your blush!

6 Highlighter

Pigments can also be used as a highlighter for your skin. Just a little brush of some white pigments or even mixing some pigments with your foundation can actually highlight your cheeks or even slim down your face a bit. I love using makeup pigments as a highlighter!

7 Hair Streaking

Finally girls, the last makeup pigment use can be for your hair! If you're looking for a way to change up your hairstyle a little bit, why not add in a funky color for a day or two and see what happens? A little blue, a little gold or even some red can really make all of the difference!

So girls, if you've ben dying to use your makeup pigments, but didn't know how, take a look at these 7 tips! What other ways can you use makeup pigments? Any other uses?

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