8 Reasons Your Makeup Never Looks as Good as It Could ...


8 Reasons Your Makeup Never Looks as Good as It Could  ...
8 Reasons Your Makeup Never Looks as Good as It Could  ...

I don’t know about you, but makeup is something that I have always had a love-hate relationship. I love the concept of being able to transform my aesthetic with the help of great quality products, but that is often easier said than done! It’s one thing to follow all of the tutorials from the various beauty gurus online, but that doesn’t always translate to success on your own face does it!? Do you often find yourself disappointed with how your makeup looks? This list might be able to help you. Here are eight reasons your makeup never looks as good as it could!

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1. Foundation Mismatch

Foundation is the base for all of your makeup, so if you happen to pick a product that doesn’t perfectly match your skin tone, it is never going to look 100% perfect. You can be as skilled as a beauty guru, but if there is mismatch it is always going to look somewhat detached from your face.

2. Under Eye Concealer

Many people forget to include under eye concealer in their makeup routines. As a result, your beautiful face can end up with dark spots where there shouldn’t have to be, and it can detract from the rest of your look.

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3. Blending

You need to be using the right tools to blend your foundation. It needs to be something that can provide a uniform layer on to your face. If you can’t achieve this, then none of the other makeup is going to sit properly.

4. Misplaced Blush

Could you be placing your blush incorrectly? It is intended to highlight the apples of your cheeks and some space below, but should never go too close to your nose. It’s just not needed there.

5. Bad Winged Liner

It’s a tough skill to master, but bad wing liner can really ruin an entire look if you mess it up real bad. It is supposed to elongate your eyes, not add a weirdly angled extension to them. If it looks wonky, you need to start over again!

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6. Bad Smoky Eye

They look sexy and sultry when done right, but smoky eyes can ruin everything if they are a little too smoky! You want it to look casual, but that doesn’t mean it has to be untidy. Nice neat patches are the goal, otherwise it can turn ugly.

7. Lipstick

Lipstick should never be an afterthought because if you apply it hastily, it is always going to bleed and ruin the entire look. You can overcome this problem by using an invisible lip liner to ensure the colour stays where it should.

8. Brows

Ladies, please remember, they are sisters, not twins! Brows that look a little too symmetrical can turn your look into some sort of doll illusion; not natural at all. Keep them kempt, keep them on fleek, and don’t colour them darker than your features should allow!

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