Learning how to apply makeup to dark skin isn't easy! It's actually tricky to bring out all of the highlights of the makeup on skin that is a little darker. So ladies, I've got the top 8 fabulous ways on how to apply makeup to dark skin! That way you dark-skinned ladies will really look fabulous in no time! So, take a look below at my top 8 ways on how to apply makeup to dark skin!
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1. Get Foundation That Matches
One of the most important things I think for any skin tone is getting foundation that matches. You want to ensure that your foundation is the same color as your skin, no matter how dark or light it is. Once you find your ideal shade, make sure that you are blending! We'll get into that in a little bit though!
2. Earth Tones
Some of the very best tones to apply to dark skin are actually earth tones. Whether your skin is extremely dark or just has some olive tones to it, try some greens and browns. I promise, it'll make a huge difference and this is definitely one of my tricks on how to highlight your dark skin and really show it off!
3. Dark Mineral Blush
A lot of darker skinned women believe that they can't wear blush because it doesn't show up. Well ladies, one of my favorite how to apply makeup to dark skin is wearing that dark, mineral blush that will bring out the beauty of your cheekbones! Just remember, you may have to apply multiple coats to make sure that the color shows up.
4. Choose Colors That Compliment Your Skin Tone
Remember how I mentioned those earth tones up there? Well, maybe your skin tone doesn't like earth tones. That is absolutely fine! The trick to learning how to apply makeup to dark skin is to ensure that you are choosing colors that compliment your skin tone. Do you have any color tricks that you use now? Share 'em!
5. Blend Two Foundations Together
Sometimes, no matter how hard the makeup companies try, they can't get every skin color right. One of my tricks for learning how to apply makeup to dark skin is to actually mix and blend together two different foundations. This will give you a great and unique color and it will also let you play with the shade a bit!
6. Use Matte Makeup
If you have darker skin, you probably know that typically, oil is more attracted to it. If you have a huge problem with your skin becoming shinny in the middle of the day, one of the my tricks for learning how to apply makeup to dark skin is to actually use matte makeup. This will kick the shine and really help your skin look flawless!
7. Lip Gloss
One thing that you might notice about dark skin is that it looks beautiful with some shiny lip gloss on it. Whether you are using clear or a color, make sure that you keep those lips glossed right up to pull together your entire look!
8. Moisturize
Finally ladies, you might notice that dark skin either is really oily or really dry – if you are finding that your skin is super dry, just find yourself a really good moisturizer! For me, I use Philosophy’s Hope in a Jar. It works great!
There are tons of different tips that you can use, when you're learning how to apply makeup to dark skin! Dark skin is no different than light skin, you just have to know how to make it beautiful! So ladies, what tips do you have for how to apply makeup to dark skin?
Top Image Source: weheartit.com
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