Geode Lip Inspos You'll Absolutely Worship ...

Lisa Jan 1, 2015

I love lip art and recently, geode lips have been popping up all over Instagram and I can't get enough! They are literally works of art and look amazingly similar to the striking geodes and crystals we all love and probably own. NYC makeup artist Johannah Adamas, @beyou.byjoh, is noted as being the originator of this lip trend Check out these mesmerizing photos of geode lips, we don't think you'll be able to stop staring-we havent'!

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1. Gold and White Crystal

mouth, head, fashion accessory, organ, jewellery,

2. Pyrite

jewellery, fashion accessory, diamond, metal, gemstone,

4. Amethyst and Gold

purple, violet, blue, pink, nail,

5. Turquoise

jewellery, blue, fashion accessory, gemstone, organ,

6. Titanium Rainbow

color, face, lip, blue, eye,

7. Sapphire

face, blue, eye, lip, head,

8. Bronze

jewellery, fashion accessory, diamond, gemstone, petal,

9. Quartz

color, blue, purple, violet, fashion accessory,

10. Marble

pink, face, lip, nail, finger,

11. Blue Opal

blue, green, finger, jewellery, nail,

12. Black Geode

black, blue, lip, mouth, organ,

13. Shattered Black Geode

nail, jewellery, finger, snake, organ,

14. Silver Geode

blue, face, eye, eyelash, organ,

15. Blue and Gold Tiger Eye

blue, lip, green, eye, beauty, Geode lips are just the beginning, there are tons of talented makeup artists out there creating mind-blowing works of art on lips like galaxy lips, Disney princesses, and more! Would you ever try geode lips?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Especially the amethyst one

These all look so cool💄

Wooooow!!! X

I think the best lip and lipstick is its kissable they r kinda scary

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