You might not think so, but it’s a fact that first date makeup usually has a little more riding on it than everyday makeup! You want to make sure that you are putting the very best impression across with your aesthetic, perhaps trying to walk that fine line between looking hot and sexy but still looking approachable and not intimidating for your date! There are lots of things that you should do for first date makeup, and on the other side of the coin there are things that you should definitely NEVER do! Here are some key makeup mistakes to avoid on a first date.
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1. Glitter
You want to come across as suave and sophisticated on a first date, and glitter is something that evokes the total opposite of that! Being too shimmery and party-ready can make it look like you are trying too hard, and might intimidate your date if they were expecting something more casual.
2. Lip Gloss
Lip gloss makes for good pictures, but it isn’t the most practical thing for real-life situations, especially first dates! If you have any ambition of kissing the guy at the end of the night, then lots of lip gloss is going to make things unnecessarily messy.
3. Harsh Eyeliner
Don’t go too heavy with your eyeliner. You want to go for a more natural look rather than a going to the club kind of vibe. Your date will be hoping to meet and see the real you, so putting on a heavy face of makeup isn’t allowing them to do that.
4. Too Much Concealer
By all means, use concealer to hide some annoying skim blemishes, but don’t go overboard and risk putting a whole new layer of unfamiliar face on top of your own. Guys don’t always understand the nature of concealer, so you risk coming across as clownish too them if it is too heavily applied.
5. Wrong Foundation
We’ve all got one or two bottles of foundation that don’t perfectly match our natural skin tones, but a first date is that not the time or place to be wearing those! The goal is to look as natural as possible, and having a face that is a different colour to your neck is not the way to go!
6. Clumpy Mascara
First dates are the biggest occasions for good quality mascara, because they are arguably the scenarios that are going to involve the most prolonged eye contact with another person. You don’t want your date to be distracted by clumping product!
When it comes to mascara, it's important to use a formula that won't clump or flake off during the date. You should also make sure to apply the mascara evenly to both eyes and avoid over-applying. If you're using waterproof mascara, it's important to use a gentle makeup remover to ensure that all traces of the product are removed at the end of the night. For an extra boost of volume, you can use a lash curler before applying the mascara. Finally, make sure to check the mirror throughout the date to ensure that your mascara is still looking fresh and not smudging.
7. Self Tanner
Trust me, it’s much better to go on a date looking pale than having had a last minute self tanning disaster! It’s not worth taking the risk of staining patches too dark and too light, and then leaving time for it to dry properly before going out to meet up!