7 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Make-up Brushes ...


7 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Make-up Brushes ...
7 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Make-up Brushes ...

If you need some tips for getting the most out of your make-up brushes, you have come to the right place. By taking proper care of your brushes, you can make them last for a quite a while, no matter how much money you spent on them. The great news is that it won’t take much time or effort to preserve the quality of your brushes. So, without further ado, here are the top tips for getting the most out of your make-up brushes.

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1. Use Them Only for the Intended Purpose

One of the best tips for getting the most out of your make-up brushes is to use them only for what they were designed for. That means using the blush brush for blush, the eyeliner brush for eyeliner, and so on and so forth. Also, don’t use your brushes to clean up make-up spills or other little messes as you go along.

2. Store Them Properly

I generally store my make-up brushes in the little plastic pouch they come in when I buy them. It only takes one extra second to take them out and put them back in, but by doing so, they are protected from damage and dirt while they’re in my make-up bag. Proper storage of the brushes can prolong their lifespan by quite a bit.

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3. Learn to Use Them

We live in a digital age, which means you can find how-to videos and information on just about any topic you can imagine just by turning your computer on. That’s true for tutorials on using your make-up brushes the right way. You’ll be amazed at how you can transform your look by changing how do things just a little bit. I promise!

4. Buy Quality

Quality doesn’t have to mean expensive, though you might want to invest in a really nice set of make-up brushes to avoid having to buy them again anytime soon. However, you can find great quality brushes at just about any drug or make-up store without having to spend your whole paycheck. Look for those that aren’t dropping bristles and are comfortable to hold.

5. Be Gentle

Make-up brushes are designed to hold up to everyday use, but that doesn’t mean you should be rough on them. The better you treat them, the longer they’ll last. Grip your make-up brush gently and don’t press it into your skin too hard. By using them with care, you can get a flawless make-up look without compromising the quality of your brushes.

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6. Skip What You Don’t Need

You can’t get the most out of your brushes if you clog up your make-up bag with a bunch of them that you don’t use. For example, I don’t use an eyeliner brush so I don’t even have one. It’s easier to get what you want from your make-up brushes by only bringing home the ones you’ll actually use. It’ll save you time, money, space and hassle.

7. Clean Them

You might not realize it, but your make-up brushes get pretty yucky over time. They can get clogged up with cosmetics, but also pick up dirt, germs and bacteria from your make-up bag, your face and the counters. Use a gentle shampoo and warm water to clean your brushes regularly. If you have specialized bristles or handles, be sure you know how to take care of them before you buy.

How do you get the most out of your make-up brushes? My favorite is my big blush brush and I use it every day. Washing it has helped it hold up for several years now. Do you have any other tips for make-up brush users?

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A good retractable one I.e blusher or lip brush is very useful as you never lose the top and can carry them around safely in the cosmetic bag.

As Jackie said in a previous post, be sure to dry them bristles down. With the handle down, the moisture leeches into the glue holding the brush and handle together

Make sure you clean them depending on how much you use them. I use mine almost daily and they are good quality brushes. I try to wash them every OTHER week to keep them clean. I use a lil olive oil & dish soap and swirl them around on a plate til they're is no more traces of make up or film on the brush. I store mine in a big glass vase with clear rocks on the bottom up right to dry and display. Cost $3-$4.

I like the brush

I have some elf brushes but mostly cheap ones I'm saving up for some sephora brushes💄

I wear different colors every day so I'm cleaning the eyeshadow off every day.

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