7 Tips on How to Apply Makeup Faster ...


7 Tips on How to Apply Makeup Faster ...
7 Tips on How to Apply Makeup Faster ...

I've always had a problem finding out how to apply makeup faster. I'm typically rushing around in the morning, with my eyes still half-closed and half of the time, I'm still asleep! Well, I've taken all of my top tips for applying makeup faster that I've learned throughout the years and compiled them into one list, one scoop that you can pick and choose from! So girls, you ready to learn how to apply makeup faster and how to really make sure that your makeup looks amazing?

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1. Prep Skin in Shower

Why not save a step in your makeup process and prep your skin right in the shower? Truthfully, this has saved me more times than I can count! I'll exfoliate in the shower, cleanse and really make sure that every single bit of my skin is ready for the makeup. This is one of the best tips that I can pass on, on how to apply makeup faster.

2. Lay out Your Makeup the Night before

This has worked for me in the past so well. Just like your clothes that you're going to wear the next day, why not set out the makeup that you're going to wear? This will allow you to grab and go – or to put on really easily! Lay out your foundation, the color eye shadow you want to wear and even your lipstick for the day!

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3. Go with a Simple Look

If you aren't a big planner, like me sometimes, you might want to go with a simple look! Just something like foundation, powder and mascara can make your face look amazing – and it's super quick! This is definitely one of the ways I've learned to apply makeup faster and speed up my entire 'getting ready' process!

4. Play up Your Eyes

Even though you might be in a rush, you definitely want to make sure that you play up your eyes. Mascara or even a little eyeliner can actually do the trick. It also doesn't take that long either. If you are really in a rush, skip the eye shadow and just concentrate on a cool eyeliner shape!

5. Nude Lips

Also, another great tip that I have when you're trying to apply your makeup faster is to keep your lips nude! Don't put on anything but just a little balm on them – or even just a little bit of lip gloss, just for some shimmer and shine. It'll make it so much better!

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6. Don't Skip the Foundation

Girls, when you are in a rush, don't skip the foundation – not totally at least. Even if you can't fully coat your face in foundation, just make sure that you conceal any imperfections that you have. A little tiny bit of concealer can go a heck of a long way!

7. Beauty Short-Cuts

Finally, do you ladies know of any beauty short cuts that you can give up? Some of mine as using a eyelash curler – that way you can actually skip your mascara and your eyes will still look amazing! You can also use BB cream or even just some tinted moisturizer to really cut down on your time in the bathroom!

So girls, these are just a few beauty tips that I've learned when I was trying to learn how to apply makeup faster. What other tips do you have? Give 'em up!

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Mix primer with foundation to apply so you don't have to apply primer and then foundation. It works really well for me

Mac has an amazing BB cream and you apply it in seconds. And it's light weight it's like your not even wearing makeup.

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