7 Fail-Proof Tips for Perfect Lipstick ...


Let’s face it, it can be harder than it seems to apply lipstick, but with these tips for perfect lipstick, you’re guaranteed to have a gorgeous pout. Keeping up with the health of your lips is the first step to having luscious lips. Getting a perfect painted pout begins before you ever pick up the lipstick tube. If you have always struggled with applying lipstick, then follow these tips for perfect lipstick!

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1. Exfoliate

Exfoliate One of the most overlooked tips for perfect lipstick is exfoliating. No matter how perfectly you apply your lipstick, it will never look good if your lips are dry, flaky, or chapped. There are several companies, such as Lush, that make a lip exfoliator, but it’s just as easy to make one yourself. All you do is put some coconut oil on your lips then dip your lips in sugar and rub them together. The sugar scrubs off dead skin cells while the coconut oil leaves them feeling soft. What’s best is it tastes yummy when you lick your lips afterward! Exfoliate your lips every time you are going to wear lipstick.

2. Moisturize

Moisturize After your lips are exfoliated, the next step is to hydrate them. This is easy to do with your favorite lip balm. I always sleep with lip balm on to leave my lips feeling soft, kissable, and ready for lipstick! As good as it feels to have lip balm on, make sure you don’t have any on when you begin to apply your lipstick because this can cause it to slide and feather.

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3. Conceal

Conceal Have you ever bought a lipstick and it looked differently on your lips than it did in the container? This is a common complaint I hear about red lipstick. It looks red in the tube, but on it pulls pink. This problem has an easy solution. The color of your lips could very well be affecting the color of your lipstick. To fix this, simply use your concealer on your lips before applying your lipstick. This works best with a creamy concealer as opposed to a liquid one. Giving your lips a neutral color will guarantee your lipstick goes on true to color and can also prevent feathering.

4. Line

Line Lining is essential to preventing your lipstick from feathering. The color of your liner can also change the color of your lipstick. This can be fun as you can use different colored liners to pull out different colors in your lipstick. However, if you are looking to keep your lipstick true to color, a nude lip liner the best option. Whether you simply line your lips or completely fill them in is up to personal preference. You can follow the shape of your lips while using the lip liner or you can even create a whole new shape!

5. Apply Lipstick

Apply Lipstick After you have exfoliated, moisturized, concealed, and lined your lips, it is time to begin applying your lipstick. Use a steady hand and follow the map you created with the lip liner. Depending on the consistency of your lipstick, it may be necessary to rub them together to help evenly apply the color.

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6. Blot

Blot One of the best tips for applying perfect lipstick is to blot your lips. Sometimes this step only needs to be done once, but other times it is necessary to do it multiple times throughout the lipstick applying process. This can help when dealing with a color that doesn’t go on evenly. Blotting also helps to prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth. You can use blotting to lighten the color of your lipstick as well.

7. Touch up & Set

Touch up & Set Although the concealer and liner will help your lipstick from feathering, unfortunately sometimes it is unavoidable. To correct this, sometimes all it takes is dragging your lip liner over the lipstick. Other times you may have to take a clean and dry lip-gloss applicator (you can find these at most drug and beauty stores) and carefully wipe away the excess lipstick on your skin. Use this step to perfect your lips by double-checking the shape, evenness, and consistency. TIP: To set your lipstick to ensure it will hold up through the day and night, simply take a tissue, separate it so you have just one ply, lay it over your lipstick, and use a brush to apply translucent powder over the tissue. Remove the tissue when done and voila!

Following these steps will leave your lipstick looking flawless. Some of the steps, such as lining, may take some practice, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of it. I hope these tips for perfect lipstick will help you as much as they help me. Do you have a special trick when applying lipstick? If so, tell me about it in the comments!

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Good tip thanks

I wonder what color #7 has pretty for summer tan


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