There’s a ton of a different ways to do gorgeous dramatic eyes, girls, but the products you need don’t vary too much. Remember the key to effective makeup is always in the quality, and while this means you probably won’t be buying the cheapest cosmetics around, you definitely don’t need to break the bank either. There’s a sea of options out there ladies; with a little patience and a lot of shopping (!), you’ll soon find the right brand for you. Here’s my list of 8 items you need to create dramatic eyes.
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1. A Good, Gentle Cleanser
I know, girls, this is hardly face paint, but what we often forget is that great make up starts long before that first brush stroke. It’s always imperative that you apply make up to clean, fresh skin, and without a fab cleansing product, you simply can’t do that.
2. Eye Primer
This miracle product, available from all good make-up houses, is a kind of base coat that goes on underneath your eye-shadow and liquid liner. It turns your eyelid into the ideal ‘canvas’ onto which you can apply colours without these simply fading away and smudging into one another. While its ok to neglect the primer if your going for a neutral look, it is absolutely essential for the success of really dramatic eyes.
3. Concealer
Any kind of dramatic make-up needs to be applied to an even, clear skin or it tends to look tacky and even messy. Consider bright scarlet lips on a face that’s riddled with dry, red patches, for example, or sultry, smoky eyes shadow applied to eyes with heavy, black bags underneath them. The effect is not pleasant; in fact, it’s just plain haggard, and that, ladies, is why concealer is your friend. Apply to dark circles and marks around the eye and blend in well before getting to work with your make-up brushes.
4. A Good Liquid Liner
Liquid liner is tricky to put on and some makes are also prone to smudging. Because of this, girls, you need to check out what kind of applicator each brand comes with before you buy it; select the one that goes on easily and dries the quickest.
5. A Tear-Proof Mascara
Mascara is another absolute essential, and not just for girls keen to try out dramatic make-up styles. A good one goes on easily, doesn’t clump, dries quickly and won’t smudge. Again, you’ll need to check out every applicator before you make your decision; different brands suit different kinds of eye lashes. Try not to be too swayed by the promotional tag-lines on the box; instead, work you way through the testers and decide which you think suits you best.
6. A Good-Quality Shadow Palette
You can pick up a big eye shadow palette for almost nothing these days ladies, but if you’re seriously keen to do your eye make-up properly, I’d advise that you don’t go for the super-budget options out there. Instead, pick a palette made by a reputable brand; it may cost you a more, but it’ll be worth it.
7. A Great Eye Pencil
These little make-up staples are usually pretty reasonable and come in a whole range of great colours. Black, brown and white are among the most useful, though, and certainly the first and last of these will come in handy when you get round to doing your dramatic eyes. Make sure you find a brand that goes on easily and with definition so you don’t end up scribbling on the inside rim of your eyelid –ouch!
8. An Effective Make-up Remover
Drama on the eyes is so much fun ladies, and looks absolutely gorgeous when you get it right, but remember, at the end of the day it’s super-important to take that make-up off. You want to find a remover that’s gentle and effective, and won’t have you rubbing your eyes raw trying to shift waterproof mascara.
So that’s it, girls: 8 items you need to create dramatic eyes. Can you think of anything I’ve left out? Fill me in, ladies, I’d love to get your take on this one!
Top Photo Credit: pumpkincat210
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