7 Alarming Signs Your Makeup Shopping Addiction is out of Control ...


7 Alarming Signs Your Makeup Shopping Addiction is out of Control ...
7 Alarming Signs Your Makeup Shopping Addiction is out of Control ...

If you’ve ever wondered if you have a makeup shopping addiction then this article can help you to know the answer once and for all. These are 7 signs you’re addicted to shopping for makeup. This isn’t a completely bad thing. As long as makeup shopping isn’t coming before your other financial responsibilities then there are some benefits to enjoy.

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You’ve Always Got the Latest Makeup Products

You’ve Always Got the Latest Makeup Products One sign you’ve got a serious shopping addiction when it comes to makeup is that you always have the latest makeup products. Not only do you have them but you knew about them way before anyone else in your circle. You’re always on the up and up when it comes to makeup. As a result, your makeup is precisely on point. You look amazing and regularly hear compliments that echo that sentiment.


You Spend Hours Exploring Makeup Online

You Spend Hours Exploring Makeup Online Confession time: I’m a makeup junkie and can relate to several of these signs, including this one. If I have free time, I’m likely to be exploring makeup online. I can spend hours looking at different shades of blush nail polish or searching for the perfect red lipstick. Can you relate? Makeup purchases are serious business to us!


There Are Always Makeup Products on Your Wish List

There Are Always Makeup Products on Your Wish List If you’re addicted to shopping for makeup then there are always makeup products on your wish list. You don’t just buy makeup when you need it. You buy it when it catches your attention. It’s difficult for you to pass up a product that you think would be flattering or is intriguing to you. You love trying out products you haven’t used before.


Makeup Counters Are Impossible for You to Walk past

Makeup Counters Are Impossible for You to Walk past If you’ve got an addiction to shopping for makeup then makeup counters are magnetic to you. It’s honestly like they pull you to them. You may have every intention of not stopping, but you find yourself there, gazing at hundreds of options you could choose. You could happily spend all day looking at all the different lipsticks and mascaras. It’s hard to walk away without making at least one purchase.


You Buy Makeup Frequently

You Buy Makeup Frequently Makeup is a frequent purchase for you. It’s something you buy weekly or every few weeks. It’s rare if not impossible for a month to pass by without a new makeup purchase. It’s safe to say that you consider makeup to be a necessity of life. It’s something that you make sure to budget for.

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Your Makeup Drawer is Overflowing

Your Makeup Drawer is Overflowing Your makeup won’t fit in a bag if you’ve got an addiction to makeup shopping. In fact, if you store it in a drawer then chances are it’s overflowing. It may even take more storage than a drawer. For you, makeup is more than something to wear. It’s a passion and a hobby. And that’s fine as long as it’s not causing you any financial or personal problems.


Friends Always Ask You for Makeup Reviews

Friends Always Ask You for Makeup Reviews When a friend wants to know about a makeup product, they come to you. They trust you as an expert on the subject. They know you’ve either tried it or read up on it. You can also help them by suggesting an alternative makeup product if the one they’re interested in isn’t right for them. Your friends appreciate that you can always give them makeup advice.

These are 7 signs you may have an addiction to makeup shopping. Do you see any of these in yourself? I always read your comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Sounds like me Hahaha sorryNOTsorry

Me and I'm not sorry either

Me right now 😂😂😂

Gif 6 makes me cringe, that poor makeup brush !

Makeups only hm

I guess so

Well it is under the make up category 🌚

I wonder if i apply this to clothes does it mean that im addicted to buying clothes/shoes? Bc all of these sound like me if u replace makeup w clothes

Wait this has to do with makeup not with shopping in general

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